Joshua Rozario

Jobsageddon: Why Automation isn’t the Grinch that Steals Jobs?

More than 125 years after we started observing “labour day”, ominous headlines scream of jobs decreased dramatically by technology. Countless opinions and studies project how Artificial intelligence (AI) will take away jobs and reduce the affected humans to heaps of despair. AI-graduating-from-college-to-replace-workers dominates political debates. Should technology-driven automation be our sole concern about reduced demand …

Jobsageddon: Why Automation isn’t the Grinch that Steals Jobs? Read More »

IoT Killer App is NOT the Clichéd Predictive Maintenance

For years we have been hearing about the virtues of IoT and specifically how Industrial IoT (IIoT) is the cure for inefficient machine maintenance and unplanned downtime. While all that is true, if zero-downtime (“ZDT”) was such a pain, why aren’t we all rushing to get connected and drive maintenance costs down and uptime up? …

IoT Killer App is NOT the Clichéd Predictive Maintenance Read More »